Dangerous Driver Videos
Drivers, walkers, bicycle and motorcycle riders. Are you afraid of
dangerous drivers? Use a dashcam, headcam, rear window cam,
or a cell phone to catch them in the act on video. Post it on your
old or new YouTube account using license plate number as video
title. Come back here to register that video for everyone to see.
You'll have proof a dangerous driver is at fault if there is an ac-
cident ahead. Maybe insurance companies will raise their rates.
Click here to submit a Dangerous Driver Video.
Every day we go out in public, somebody tries to cripple or kill
us. By riding our back bumper, cutting us off, not stopping at
the stop sign or light, drunk driving, passing into oncoming
traffic or on the right shoulder, turning and crossing in front
of us, speeding, or other dangerous manuvers. And it used to
be that there wasn't anything you or I could do about it.
In the past we could buy cameras to record the incident, and post
somewhere. But its unlikely that anybody would ever find it. So
there was no way that a dangerous driver could be considered a
repeat offender. Until now. Dangerous Driver Videos was set up as
a clearing house for all those life threatening videos, coming from
individuals or law enforcement organizations around the country.
Buy a camera, post any dangerous driver videos on your old or
your new YouTube account. Use the license plate number as the
video title. If you can't see the license#, don't submit the video.
If you can't see the license#, don't submit the video.
To find a local "I got hurt in an accident" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I hurt someone in an accident" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I was a drunk driver" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I got a speeding ticket" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I was scared shitless" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I need a tax" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I need a divorce" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I'm in big trouble" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I need a real estate" lawyer click here.
To find a local "I need a bankruptcy" lawyer click here.
It is easier to video the license of a car riding your bumper,
not stopping at a neighborhood stopsign, or in the parking lot.
You can even stand at a dangerous corner taking videos.
We will periodically update our list of dangerous drivers.
Check back in a week to make sure we haven't screwed up.
Anyone can download the list. Police departments, lawyers,
TVnews, insurance companies, parents, dangerous drivers
and others can check to see who has been caught in the act.
To see video, type license plate number and YouTube handle.
Keep your YouTube account public.
Remove video when you want.
To download list of dangerous drivers click here.
Maybe we can cut down on the carnage on our streets.
Joe Martyniuk
429 May Street
Bensenville, Illinois 60106